We perform quality natural resource evaluations that minimize delay, cost, and uncertainties for your project.

Our Services 



  • Wetland Delineation, and GPS location for site plan development

  • Functional Assessments (Army Corps and NH Methods)

  • Vernal Pool Identification and Surveying

  • Coastal Wetland Delineation and Determinations



  • Preliminary Soil Tests for Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Systems

  • Septic Designs

  • Soil Profile Descriptions for DEP Stormwater & Site Law Projects (SLODA)

  • Soil Mapping (High-Intensity Soil Surveys)

  • Prime Farmland Determinations


  • On-site Field Determinations of natural resources (streams, wetlands and vernal pools)

  • Local, State and Federal Wetland regulation consultation

  • Site Evaluation for Soil Suitability (Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Systems)

  • Informal (reconnasiance) review of property for natural resources


Permit Assistance

  • Preparation of State (DEP) and Federal (Army Corps of Engineers) wetland permits

  • Preparation of DEP Permit By Rule Applications for projects including:

    • Stream Crossings

    • Retaining Wall Replacements

    • Development adjacent to a natural resource (e.g., project located within 75 feet of certain natural resources) and more.

  • Preparation of Individual NRPA permits


Other Services

  • Coastal Bluff Evaluations (Stable vs Unstable Bluffs)

  • Shoreland Zoning Map Verification and “Ground-Truthing”